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Evil Remnants: North Atlantic, Grande Entree (367, -482)
Harmful Things: North Atlantic, Fogo (920, -66)
Humanity: North Atlantic, Tera Nova (790, -484)
Laughter And Tears: River Valley, Aarushi (931, -38)
Lightning In The Sky: River Valley, Aarushi (946, -47)
Mischief: North Atlantic, Anticosti (184, -152)
Shadows: North Atlantic, Gros Morne (491, -308)
Stubbornness: North Atlantic, St. Johns (866, -638)
Swans: River Valley, Black Ridge (77, -771)
The Challenge: North Atlantic, Pearl Island (944, -933)
The End And Beyond: North Atlantic, Le Chameau (73, -472)
The First Humans: North Atlantic, HMS Miranda (732, -178)
Victory And Banishment: North Atlantic, Nerepis (126, -743)